Will Your New Year’s Resolutions Cause More Harm than Good?

As 2018 is coming to a close, many people are starting to compile their list of resolutions for the new year. For both men and women, the majority of these New Year’s resolutions include goals to be healthier and look better. However, whether you are trying to drastically decrease your waistline or find a quick fix to your facial appearance, you should be cautious and do your research first. There are certain methods that may achieve your goals, but at the significant sacrifice of your health – or your skin. As a nationally-recognized, dual board certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Ben Talei weighs in on this important topic of New Year’s resolution mistakes.
Dr. Talei warns of getting sucked in to products and diet plans that promise quick results, at-home remedies or drastic lifestyle changes. Many of these solutions are not solutions at all. Rather, they often cause more harm than good. Dr. Talei frequently sees the after effects of these marketing ploys and scams in his office soon after the new year begins.
Here, Dr. Talei highlights and comments on a few of the problems people tend to experience with certain New Year’s resolutions.
The Keto Diet
– “The past 2 years I’ve been hearing more about ketogenic diets from patients who come in to see me for improvements in skin quality. What I’ve seen in many of them is a worsening of their skin problems! The problem with ketogenic diets is that they increase the amount of sebum in the skin which encourages acne attacks in many patients. If you have reactive skin you must watch your diet and ketogenic is not the way to go.”
Drastic Weight Loss and Unbalanced Diets
– “Every year we all hear our friends and family talking about weight loss and diets. They want to look and feel better. Dieting, just like everything else in life, requires balance. In Los Angeles many people take their diet too far and lose too much weight. They start to appear haunt and malnourished. Exercise and diet is very, very important, but when it comes to weight loss, don’t get too greedy!”
Buying Medical Grade Products Online
– “I’ve seen mistakes made by patients ordering ‘medical products’ online. Given our history around New Year’s, I’m certain our office will see a greater flow of patients coming in with problems after trying at-home remedies sold online. The worst I’ve seen are chemical peels done at home. I’ve seen severe burns on patients using medical grade glycolic and trichloracetic acid peels while they try to get ready for the holidays. Avoid these at all costs. There’s a good reason these treatments are not meant for public use.”
DIY Salves
– “I’ve also seen some impressive damage done by patient using various salves. Salves can be completely unpredictable! If you’ve watched the TV show Seinfeld you would know that!”
If you want to look and feel better in 2019, you are not alone and we applaud you for your motivation. However, it is imperative that you use a wise, physician-advised plan to accomplish your goals, whether it be weight loss or more attractive facial skin. Dr. Ben Talei offers numerous treatments in his office, both surgical and non-surgical, to help you reach your facial and skin care goals in a safe and highly effective manner. If you want to follow a certain diet or weight loss plan, be sure to do your research about its effects on the rest of your body, particularly your skin. The last thing you want to do is trade in one problem or concern for another. Lastly, if an advertised product seems to good to be true, it probably is. Check with a certified medical specialist first before you make that online purchase.
At the Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery, we are here to make sure your efforts to keep your New Year’s Resolutions are realistic and smart. Not sure if there is a problem with your current 2019 goals? Call us to schedule a consult – we’d love to help!