Top Reasons to Consider Laser Hair Removal

While it may seem silly when you stop to think about it, people view hair on the head as attractive and desirable, but hair on other parts of the body is often considered embarrassing and unwelcome. Women are especially prone to these concerns in terms of hair on their legs, underarms and face. Men, on the other hand, tend have less embarrassment with body hair, but many wish to have the hair on their back removed. Removing hair in the right places can drastically improve your self-confidence. The question is: how should you remove it?
The most common methods of removing unwanted hair include shaving with a razor, special hair removal creams and waxing. Unfortunately, these tools don’t work well for everyone, and they come with several drawbacks, such as discomfort, irritation and the need for repeat treatments. Whether you are tired of waxing your back regularly or just not getting a close enough shave on your legs, laser hair removal may be the answer you are looking for.
Laser hair removal should be performed by a skilled and qualified medical professional. It is effective and safe for all skin types. There are various laser hair removal technologies available, but most rely on concentrated or pulsed energy to target the pigment of hair follicles, rendering it damaged and unable to grow in the future. Laser hair removal is an in-office procedure that can be performed in minutes. Typically, a numbing cream is used, but the process is overall painless and recovery time is little to none. Multiple treatment sessions are often needed to attain ideal results – however, the results of laser hair removal are permanent! In fact, when it comes to permanent hair removal, laser technology is one of the few options available.
Here are some top reasons to consider laser hair removal:
Your Skin Quality and Health
Laser hair removal is ideal for those that suffer from frequent ingrown hairs, razor rash, razor burn, chemical burns or irritation from other hair removal methods. It is also good for those that have a lowered immune system, as traditional (temporary) hair removal methods expose the skin to cuts, irritation and tiny scars can that compromise the skin’s integrity and leave it less protected.
Your Cost Over Your Lifetime
At first, you may think you can’t afford laser hair removal. But think of the big picture. The cost of temporary hair removal (razors, creams, waxing) over the course of your life can add up to an expense far beyond that of the life-long results of a handful of sessions in laser hair removal.
Thinning and Shaping Versus Total Removal
Regardless of where it appears on the body, hair grows in cycles. This means that not all hairs in a certain area are growing at the same time. Laser technology allows you to use this to your advantage. With greater adaptability to your hair growth cycle, you can thin and shape your unwanted hair as you desire. Women often do this with their pubic hair, while men choose to thin and shape with their chest or facial hair.
At Beverly Hills Center, we are proud to offer the latest and most proven technology in laser hair removal. Dr. Talei relies on The Palomar Icon™ Laser System, which can effectively remove unwanted hair as well as address wrinkles, acne, scars and more. Call today to schedule your laser hair removal in Beverly Hills.