Should You Add PRP to Your Non-Surgical Facelift?

Beautiful Woman With Naked Shoulders

When it comes to reversing the signs of aging on the face, donā€™t dismiss the power of regenerative medicine. Plastic surgeons such as Dr. Ben Talei recognize the benefits of using your own blood plasma to revitalize facial tissues and create a more youthful appearance. When regenerative treatments are combined with other non-surgical services, such as facial fillers and micro needling, your results can be enhanced in the most natural way possible.

The Power of PRP

Did you know that there are anti-aging properties in your own blood? A simple centrifuge process can separate the platelet rich plasma (or PRP) from the rest of your blood. Here youā€™ll find powerful growth factors that can regenerate the cells of your facial skin tissues. This includes adding volume to the face, improving skin tone and texture as well as promote collagen re-growth. In doing so, patients benefit from less wrinkles, tighter and smoother skin around the mouth, eyes and forehead and fuller, more youthful cheeks. You can trust that this procedure is a safe and natural facelift surgery alternative, with the powerful ability to reverse unwanted signs of aging in the face.

At the Beverly Hills Center, we can use PRP alongside other effective treatments in facial rejuvenation to promote longer-lasting and more dramatic results. PRP can be used with dermal fillers as well as with micro needling, to ensure a deeper penetration of the growth factors and stem cells. The results of your PRP facelift may not be seen right away, as it will take time for your body to respond to these healing and regenerative influences within your skin tissues.

Can Your Own Blood Reverse Facial Aging?

Would you like more information about a revolutionary alternative to traditional face lift surgery? We can help. Call Dr. Talei today to learn about non-surgical options such as Platelet-Rich Plasma. Our team understands that not every patient is willing or able to undergo plastic surgery to turn back the hands of time. We also realize that some patients want a more natural treatment than synthetic dermal fillers. We are proud to tap into the power of regenerative medicine by offering PRP facials and micro needling with PRP.

Posted on behalf of Dr. Ben Talei

Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery
120 S Spalding Dr, #236
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Phone: (310) 288-0641


24/36/48 month payment schedules