Say Goodbye to Sagging Jowls

With age comes many unwanted changes in the face. Heavy jowls are certainly one of them.
According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, the word “jowl” is defined as: “the lower part of a person’s cheek, especially when it is fleshy or drooping.” This can occur in both men and women, though women are typically more bothered by this sign of facial aging. The extra sagging in the cheeks can also pull down the corners of the mouth, creating a sad appearance and frowned lips.
Jowls typically appear in women then they reach their 40s or 50s. In most cases, jowls develop due to the natural depletion of collagen and elasticity in the cheek and lower face. However, jowls can also form as a result of volume loss in the prejowl sulcus or recess, which is the space in front of the jowl on the jawline. Regardless of the severity or cause of your sagging jawline, there are ways a plastic surgeon can help. In fact, jowls can be lifted through non-surgical treatments as well as minimally invasive facelift techniques.
For jowl elimination, Dr. Talei specializes in several jowl lift procedures, including the following:
Facial Filler Injections: For those that want a non-surgical approach and have minor sagging in their lower cheek and jaw, a heavier filler can be injected into the prejowl recess to fill and disguise a saggy jowl. This often works better for men who want a masculine, squared-off jawline as opposed to the heart-shaped jaw contour that is desirable in women. As with all filler injections, this solution is only temporary.
Mini-Facelift: The mini-facelift, or weekend facelift as it has been named, is an increasingly popular procedure due to both its effectiveness and minimal downtime. Mini-facelifts can eliminate jowls while defining and enhancing the jawline. This type of facelift requires only local anesthesia and minimal incisions to drastically improve the duration and comfort of recovery.
Deep Plane Facelift: Jowl elimination and jaw enhancements can also be made with the deep plane facelift. This proprietary approach is ideal for those with advanced signs of aging through heavy skin sagging or drooping. Dr. Talei is one of just a handful of physicians nationwide that specialize in deep place facelifts, which work within the deeper tissue layers to lift and reposition sagging skin without the appearance of tension or tightness that can make it look unnatural. The deep plane facelift can eliminate the jowls and help patients gain a lasting, natural and rejuvenated look.
If sagging cheeks and jowls are making you self-conscious, you have options at our Beverly Hills Clinic. Dr. Talei is a renowned facial plastic surgeon with special expertise at defining and enhancing the jawline for both men and women. Call today to schedule your jowl lift procedure.