Aging Eyebrows

Youthful face of a woman touching her temple after Eyebrow Lift in Beverly Hills, CA

No part of your body is exempt from getting older. In fact, even your eyebrows age! While it may not seem like a big deal, the change in the shape, fullness and contour of your eyebrows can drastically impact the way your eyes and upper face appear. In fact, aging brows can subtly add years  … Continue reading post Aging Eyebrows

Keloid Scars: What Can be Done?

Scar Treatment

Scars are the body’s natural healing response when the skin is injured or traumatized. Unfortunately, not everyone scars the same way, and there are times when scarring is especially concerning, such as when keloid scars develop. What are Keloids? Keloids develop when the healing process is aggressive, or when there is an overgrowth of tissues  … Continue reading post Keloid Scars: What Can be Done?

Lip Augmentation for Men

Young Man Smiling

When considering cosmetic procedures for the lips, the female population typically comes to mind. Women are most known for their desire to achieve a fuller, younger-looking or more sensual lip appearance. However, the same surgical and non-surgical lip augmentation procedures that are available to women are also available to men. In fact, according to the  … Continue reading post Lip Augmentation for Men


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