NBC News in Miami covers Dr. Ben Talei on his Drive Against Domestic Violence across the country

Ben Talei, MD, FACS and Nathan Talei, Esq. Drive across the country during Domestic Violence awareness month in order to raise awareness for the NCADV – National Coalition Against Domestic Violence and the Face to Face Surgery Program of the American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery. The Brothers reached their goal of 15k before even  … Continue reading post NBC News in Miami covers Dr. Ben Talei on his Drive Against Domestic Violence across the country

Lenox Hill Hospital Acknowledging Dr. Talei’s Efforts

Dr. Ben Talei at Manhattan Eye Ear and Throat Hospital offers his hands and Botox treatments to patients and asks for donations to benefit National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Read the Post on Facebook

The Drive Against Domestic Violence

At our Manhattan Office, Dr. Talei will be giving Botox for charity today. The entire amount given by each patient will go directly to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence through The Drive Against Domestic Violence in support of domestic abuse victims. Please join the cause and donate at our website .


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