My Baby Has A Hemangioma, Now What?

You inspected every inch of your baby at birth, so you are quite alarmed to notice a bright red nodule suddenly appear on his or her skin several weeks later. Only a physician can confirm, but your baby may have a hemangioma. A hemangioma is a birthmark, known as a strawberry mark, which typically appears … Continue reading post My Baby Has A Hemangioma, Now What?
Exploring the “Daddy Makeover”

It is true that 90% of all plastic surgery patients are women, but men have kept up their demand as well. Plastic surgery helps men and women in different ways. There are procedures that allow women to achieve a more feminine look and men to gain more masculine results. Many facial plastic surgery procedures are … Continue reading post Exploring the “Daddy Makeover”
The Droopy Cheeks Fix
Is gravity getting the best of your once youthful and vibrant cheeks? The aging process, environmental issues and gravity all take their toil on our bodies, and our facial structure will often suffer most. Even men and women in their 30’s can start to notice that their cheeks are getting droopy and flatter. This process … Continue reading post The Droopy Cheeks Fix
A Simple Fix For Stretched Earlobes
When you got your ears pierced as a young girl, you probably didn’t consider how your earlobes might look after years of holding the trendiest earrings of the eras. Your pierced ears have likely been adorned with pearls, large gold hoops and heavy stones over most of your life. What you may be left with … Continue reading post A Simple Fix For Stretched Earlobes
Fixing Your Broken Nose: Time is of the Essence
A broken nose, or nasal fracture, is not always obvious. Although there is usually swelling and soreness, it is not uncommon for a patient to ignore a nose injury. It is true that your nose will heal by itself. However, if you have truly fractured your nasal bones, it can cause both functional and aesthetic … Continue reading post Fixing Your Broken Nose: Time is of the Essence
5 Habits That Age Your Face
One of the primary reasons that both men and women choose plastic surgery or facial skin rejuvenation services is to reduce the signs of aging. Today there are countless procedures, both surgical and non-invasive, that can improve wrinkles, sagging, laugh lines, crow’s feet and more. Depending on your specific preferences, your budget and the severity … Continue reading post 5 Habits That Age Your Face
Answering Your Cleft Lip Questions
Cleft lip and palate is the most common birth defect of the head and face. Cleft lip occurs when there is a separation or a gap within the upper lip. There can also be a separation of the roof of the mouth, which is referred to as cleft palate. This congenial anomaly can be distressing … Continue reading post Answering Your Cleft Lip Questions
How Smoking Can Sabotage Your Plastic Surgery
Most plastic surgery procedures, whether it be a tummy tuck, breast reduction or facelift, involve a change in skin and tissues. When skin and tissues get placed differently or removed, there is an inevitable change in blood supply. Adequate circulation and oxygen in your blood supply is vital to ensure your skin and tissues get … Continue reading post How Smoking Can Sabotage Your Plastic Surgery