Understanding Cleft Palate

Newborn Baby

An estimated 7,000 babies in the United States are born with cleft palate, a birth defect that involves an opening (or “cleft”) in the roof of the mouth. Unfortunately, cleft palate can lead to several serious setbacks including those related to dentition, eating, drinking, speech and even hearing. The only treatment option is cleft palate  … Continue reading post Understanding Cleft Palate

Boost Your Microneedling with PRP

Beautiful Face

Regaining a more youthful face doesn’t always have to involve surgery. There are several innovative, minimally-invasive options in facial rejuvenation that can turn back the hands of time. In fact, one of the newest and most advanced treatments involves using your own blood! Microneedling with PRP (platelet-rich plasma) is a naturally rejuvenating procedure that relies  … Continue reading post Boost Your Microneedling with PRP

Sun Spots 101

smiling woman

Rising temperatures mean more time outdoors. Now is an excellent time to educate yourself on what the sun can do to your skin. If you value the health and appearance of your complexion, you should know the facts on sun spots. Sun spots on your skin can be a health concern as well as a  … Continue reading post Sun Spots 101

The Role of Hyaluronic Acid in the Aging Face

Woman Getting Botox Injection

While it can occur at different times and at various rates, the process of aging is inevitable. At some point in our lives, our bodies begin to deteriorate on the inside as well as the outside. When it comes to aging skin, it is common to experience a drastic reduction in moisture.

Millennials and Facial Plastic Surgery

Three happy women after cosmetic procedures at Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, CA.

If you were born between the years of 1981 and 1996, you belong to a generation called “millennials.” Millennials make up approximately 22% of the population and more than any other living generation, millennials understand, utilize and rely on a digital world.


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