Get Eye-Opening Results from Blepharoplasty

Time can take its toll on the eyes. Wrinkles, excess skin and puffiness around the eyes are common aging concerns, and ones that can create a false projection of how you really feel or how old you really are. It is no surprise, therefore, that blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is one of the most highly sought-after cosmetic procedures in the United States. In fact, according to the 2020 American Plastic Surgery Report, eyelid surgery ranked second in the Top 5 Cosmetic Surgical Procedures. The fact that blepharoplasty can produce dramatic results with hidden incisions and minimal downtime is undoubtedly a large factor in its popularity.
When seeking eyelid surgery, however, it is imperative that you choose a plastic surgeon who can successfully restore the eyes to their most youthful and natural-looking appearance. Addressing the delicate concerns of the upper and lower eyelids requires a level of dedicated precision, trained skill and talented artistry.
What is Blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty is a procedure that targets the signs of aging on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids or both. This can include patients who have sagging upper eyelid skin (or “hooding”), excessive fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes as well as those that have bags or puffiness under the eyes. Blepharoplasty can include lifting the eyelid skin, repositioning lower eyelid fat or removing excess tissue, skin or fat to create a more refreshed appearance. Regardless of your specific needs, this procedure can be carried out with dedicated techniques to eliminate visible scarring, which may include incisions within the natural creases of your eyes or inside the corner of your eye (transconjunctival blepharoplasty).
Refreshed, Revitalized and Rested Appearance
When is the last time someone told you that you looked “well-rested’? Are you tired of layering concealer and other make-up products around your eyes to look presentable? If wrinkles, sagging or puffiness around your eyes are causing you to look old and tired, we can help. Dr. Ben Talei offers a wide variety of eyelid surgery techniques tailored to your specific concerns. He carefully considers your aging patterns, skin tone and overall facial structure when performing blepharoplasty.
Many patients choose to have upper and lower blepharoplasty done at the same time to reduce downtime and gain a more balanced and overall rejuvenated look. In addition, your blepharoplasty results can be maximized with a resurfacing procedure, such as a chemical peel, or in combination with a brow or forehead lift. To learn more about Blepharoplasty from a renowned facial plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, please contact Dr. Talei.