Eliminating Your Double Chin: Surgery Not Required

Do you know what submental fat refers to? If you’ve ever heard (or experienced) a “double chin,” then you know exactly what submental fat is. Submental fat refers to fatty deposits under the chin, or that unwanted bulge that becomes more pronounced when you laugh or smile. And despite your efforts to diet and exercise, your double chin continues to hang around. What are your options?
While a surgical neck lift or liposuction was once your only real shot of improving a double chin appearance, there is now a revolutionary treatment alternative that produces remarkable results without surgery. That’s right, a simple non-invasive procedure can help you regain a defined chin and jaw line and smile confidently in the next selfie.
What Is Kybella?
Kybella is an injectable product that was formulated to destroy fat cells – permanently. It is performed just like other facial filler or injectable, as an in-office procedure with no anesthesia required. It’s quick, painless and effective!
No Scalpel, No Stitches, No Lengthy Recovery
Kybella works at a cellular level. There is no need for cutting or suctioning out fat with a scalpel or making an unsightly incision in your skin. Kybella is an injectable that requires no stitches and no lengthy recovery. In fact, you can do it on your lunch break!
Safe, FDA Approved
Sound too good to be true? Rest assured that Kybella is FDA approved for the use of submental fat reduction. In fact, it is the first and only product like this of its kind. Kybella has undergone years of rigorous studies and clinical trials to confirm safety.
The Science Behind Kybella
Kybella is a deoxycholic acid product. This drug is simply a synthetic version of your body’s own bio acid. By injecting it into the areas of fat in the chin and neck area, the fat cell membranes rupture and are permanently destroyed. The depleted fat cells are then naturally eliminated as waste through your body’s lymphatic system in the following days after your treatment.
What to Expect
One session of Kybella may not be enough. Depending on your unique goals and the severity of the fat under your chin, you may require repeated injections. Many patients choose a series of three treatments, each four to six weeks apart.
It’s Really That Simple
Are you ready to have one chin instead of two? Submental fat is a very common concern, and it is an area of fat that can be stubborn despite your efforts to diet and exercise more. To learn more about reducing or eliminating your double chin without surgery, please call Dr. Ben Talei in Beverly Hills Center.