Dermabrasion Versus Microdermabrasion

Beverly Hills CA Facial Plastic Surgery

If you have visited a medical spa or other type of aesthetic service provider, you may be familiar with the term ā€œmicrodermabrasion.ā€ Microdermabrasion is a non-surgical treatment in facial rejuvenation. It relies on fine crystals and vacuum suction to painlessly remove the dead skin cells from the top superficial layer of skin, revealing a healthier, brighter and softer skin tone underneath. Microdermabrasion can be done on a periodic basis, much like a facial or chemical peel.

Microdermabrasion, however, should not be confused with dermabrasion. The two procedures are very different and even used for different purposes. While an esthetician may perform a microdermabrasion, a dermabrasion should be done by a certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Dermabrasion involves a procedure in which the top layer of skin is surgically scraped. This produces controlled skin damage involving the deeper layers of the skin. As the skin responds to the wound and heals itself, it forms a smoother, more cosmetically pleasing layer of skin. In result, the changes are more substantial compared to the transient improvements with a non-surgical microdermabrasion.

Who is a Candidate for Dermabrasion?

Dermabrasion can be effective for all skin types and used on small or large areas of the skin. Since dermabrasion works within the deeper layers of the skin, it can be a valued treatment solution for patients with the following:

  • Deep Acne Scars
  • Facial Wrinkles/Deep Lines
  • Rhynophoma (rosacea nose enlargement)
  • Traumatic Scarring
  • Actinic Keratosis

Consult a Plastic Surgeon

Due to the more invasive process of a dermabrasion versus a microdermabrasion, it is imperative that you choose an experienced and qualified provider. A board certified plastic surgeon, such as Dr. Ben Talei. He carries the knowledge and precision it takes to ensure your dermabrasion results are what you had hoped for. Unlike microdermabrasion, dermabrasion requires anesthetic as well as specific post-operative instructions.

To learn more about dermabrasion for wrinkles or acne scars, call our Beverly Hills office today.

Posted on behalf of Dr. Ben Talei

Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery
120 S Spalding Dr, #236
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Phone: (310) 288-0641


24/36/48 month payment schedules