Bothered by a Double Chin or Sagging Neck? Here Are Your Options

Woman Feeling Her Neck After Kybella Injections Beverly Hills CA

We know that age takes its toll on the skin. Unfortunately, the loss of elasticity of the skin and poor muscle structure in the neck region can lead to a loosening under the chin. Patients can experience progressive sagging under the chin as well as excess fat in this region. The result is an unwanted ā€œdouble chinā€ appearance that makes you cringe when looking at photos of yourself.

Do you find yourself holding up your ā€œsecond chinā€ when FaceTiming a friend? You can find solutions with your Beverly Hills plastic surgeon. At the office of Dr. Ben Talei, we offer a range of treatment options for patients who have undefined jaw lines, sagging neck skin and double-chin appearances. Our treatments range from temporary injections to get rid of under-chin fat to surgical neck lifts to permanently eliminate sagging neck skin. To help you determine which solution is right for you, hereā€™s a closer look at our treatment options:

Non-Surgical Injections

Did you know you can drastically reduce your double-chin without going under the knife? Kybella is the latest injectable product that can destroy moderate to severe fat under the chin. This procedure itself is not only quick and painless, but Kybella produces instant results as the synthetic bio acids permanently destroy fat cells in the submental region. You can expect to need repeated Kybella injections for ideal results if you choose this non-surgical option to improve your chin and neck.

Weekend Neck Lift

If you need a little more correction than what Kybella can give, or if you want a one-time treatment, then a Weekend Neck Lift may be best. This procedure is less invasive than a neck lift, but still a surgical procedure. It is most suitable for patients who complain of a ā€œdouble chinā€, mild ā€œturkey neckā€ or excess fat under the chin. A Weekend Neck Lift uses only local anesthesia, which drastically reduces swelling, downtime and recovery. Using small hidden incisions under the chin, Dr. Talei can combine a minimally-invasive chin augmentation with a submental liposuction to provide a younger and more contoured chin, neck and jaw line.

Neck Lift

A Neck Lift, also called platysmaplasty or cervicoplasty, is designed to address the deeper tissues and muscles of the neck. This procedure is typically done under anesthesia and is best for patients who have significant loose skin under the chin or ā€œjowlsā€ that have occurred due to recent weight loss, genetics or aging. Dr. Talei will tailor a surgical technique to meet your specific needs, whether it is a simple skin lift or tightening of the neck muscles (platysmaplasty).

Need help deciding which treatment option is best suited for your needs and goals? Letā€™s discuss it at the Beverly Hills Center. We have a broad menu of surgical and non-surgical treatments to give you the confident appearance you deserve.

Posted on behalf of Dr. Ben Talei

Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery
120 S Spalding Dr, #236
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Phone: (310) 288-0641


24/36/48 month payment schedules