Benefits of an Eyelid Lift

There are countless procedures that can enhance your facial appearance. However, when it comes to cosmetic eye surgery, the results can be especially rewarding. Your eyes not only help you see the world around you, but they are often the first feature others see in you. The eyes are considered a “window to the soul.” Therefore, choosing to enhance this facial feature can bring impactful and lasting benefits.
As we spend more time in our homes and connect with others on virtual platforms, you may be more aware of your facial appearance than ever before. How do your eyes look? Do they appear tired, angry or sad? Unfortunately, age takes its toll on the eyes in ways that make them look droopy or overshadowed. In fact, it is common for aging eyes to display the following:
- Deepened tear troughs
- Dark circles under the eyes
- Under-eye bags
- Excess upper eyelid skin
- Crow’s feet
- Heavy brows
What is an Eyelid Lift?
During cosmetic eye surgery, Dr. Ben Talei will tailor his techniques to meet your unique concerns around the eyes. This can involve removing excess skin on the upper eye lid (upper blepharoplasty) or tightening lower eyelid skin and smoothing under-eye bags (lower blepharoplasty). Many patients also benefit from fat transposition, which involves releasing and repositioning the fat from under the eye to fill in hollowed areas. All eyelid surgery procedures are designed to create a more youthful and energetic appearance.
What Can an Eyelid Lift Do For You?
Enhancing the appearance of the eyes can deliver remarkable benefits that improve your well-being and quality of life. After your eyelid lift surgery, you can expect to:
- Feel more alert and awake. When your eyes look more energetic and alive to others, it affects the way they treat us and often impacts how we feel on the inside.
- Get more out of your eye make-up routine. Without the extra eyelid skin, you’ll find that applying eye shadow and eyeliner becomes much easier.
- See the world more clearly. It is common for patients to have overhanging upper eyelid skin that limits their visual field. After blepharoplasty, you may experience better eyesight!
Are you bothered by the appearance of your eyes? Call Dr. Ben Talei in Beverly Hills to learn more about our expansive menu of options to surgically and non-surgically enhance the appearance of the eyes. Virtual consultations are available during the COVID-19 pandemic.